We had our sights set on worldschooling for several years but it took a lot of commitment, planning and holding the vision to make it our reality. A big part of that was creating vision boards. It sounds strange but these visioning and manifestation tools can be extremely powerful!
It’s not the vision board itself that has magical powers. The power comes in the act of stopping, reflecting, and showing gratitude for what has come, and focusing your intention on the life you wish to experience going forward. It’s conscious creation. In doing this, you are listening to your inner voice and what it desires, which can often go unheard in the busyness of life. Stating these intentions out loud is powerful, you almost feel accountable that you must achieve them. Even more powerful is to visually record your goals. Not only does this drive you towards your pursuits, but it also acts as inspiration when you feel like giving up. An image (or entire board of them!) can evoke the feeling of optimism you originally felt for your goals, and by viewing this over and over again, you can actually manifest your dreams.
The reason vision boards work so well is because you are creating the world you wish to step into visually which creates a feeling within you and your mind can’t tell the difference between what you are experiencing in your body and what is reality. So, if you feel abundant then your mind thinks you are abundant, and your reality will present more abundant opportunities to you!
Once you step into this energy of gratitude and abundance for where you are right now (despite the things you may desire) more of that will come to you. It’s like tuning a radio station. If you want to listen to Classical music then you need to be tuned in to that channel, otherwise all you will hear is Pop and Rock. When you attune to the frequency of gratitude and abundance then you will experience more of that. So, ensure that you’re creating your visions from this energy rather than a feeling of desperation or lack.
For us, we were extremely focused on our goal of worldschooling (even through the pandemic when our country borders were closed!) We incorporated the visuals of the travel lifestyle (vision boards, TV programs, magazines, books, etc) into our everyday so we felt like we were already living it. We spoke about travelling all the time and we would ‘edventure’ as much as we could in our local area. All of these things contributed to our readiness to ‘take the plunge’ when the timing was right.
To create your own vision board, begin with a quiet space, a meditation or relaxing music to get into a positive state of mind. Write down your goals for the year starting with the phrase “I wish to experience…” Try to be specific as you can, and most importantly, feel into the energy you experience when saying these intentions out loud. You might feel bubbles of excitement throughout your body, or your heart expand with love and gratitude. Next, find magazines or images online which evoke this vision and feeling response. For example, if you wish to experience a secluded beach holiday with your family search for these types of images. You can stick these on a physical vision board or vision book, or create one on your computer and save it as your background. Continue this way until you feel your vision is complete. Ensure you display your vision board somewhere you see it each day. In doing this, you are continually connecting to the vision and feeling of manifesting your desires.